
Since 2011, the Safer Somerset Partnership has had a responsibility for undertaking Domestic Homicide Reviews where the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, household member or someone s/he had been in an intimate relationship with.


The purpose of a domestic homicide review is to consider the circumstances that led to the death and identify where responses to the situation could be improved in the future, or where there is best practice that can be shared. In doing this, professionals and agencies involved, such as the police, local authorities, health agencies/professionals, voluntary sector will progress any recommendations made by the review.

A multi-agency review panel is established for each review comprises members of local statutory and voluntary agencies, and is led by an independent chair.

A domestic homicide review is not an inquiry into how someone died or who is to blame, and it’s not part of any disciplinary process. They do not replace but are in addition to, an inquest or any other form of inquiry into the death.


The aim of domestic homicide reviews is for agencies to improve their responses to domestic abuse and work better together to prevent such tragedies from occurring in future.

The Safer Somerset Partnership will publish the reports of any local domestic homicide reviews on this page. In accordance with the statutory guidance, the reports have been anonymised in order to help protect the identity of the individuals subject to the review.

In Somerset we give a number to each notification of a possible domestic homicide, even where it does not lead to a full review – this is why some numbers may appear to be ‘missing’ in the list of reports below.

You can also find the statutory guidance published by the Home Office for the conduct of these reviews below.


Multi-Agency Statutory Guidance for the Conduct of Domestic Homicide Reviews

Statutory guidance for Community Safety Partnerships to conduct domestic homicide reviews in their area.

Statutory guidance for Community Safety Partnerships to conduct domestic homicide reviews in their area.

Somerset DHR 003

Overview Report (anonymised) of Somerset Domestic Homicide Review case 003

Executive Summary of Somerset DHR case 003

Somerset DHR 005

Executive Summary (anonymised) of Somerset’s Domestic Homicide Review (case 005)

Somerset DHR 007

Letter from Home Office Quality Assurance Panel to Citysafe Liverpool for joint DHR

Executive summary for Somerset domestic homicide review (case 007)

Somerset DHR 010

Somerset DHR 012

Overview report for Somerset DHR 012

Executive summary for Somerset DHR 012


Somerset DHR 027

SSP DHR Overview report Updated – January 2022

Death Review - Safer Somerset Partnership /Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board

Somerset DHR 032

Somerset DHR 036

Document preview

Includes Overview Report, Executive Summary and Action Plan


Somerset DHR 047

The Safer Somerset Partnership (SSP) commissioned a domestic homicide review (reference 048) as a result of a death of a male that occurred in autumn 2022, and which met the criteria for this statutory review. The Home Office and SSP agreed that the reports are not to be published, however, the action plan would be, and this is below.

Somerset DHR 048

Somerset DHRs Lessons Learnt

Last reviewed: July 10, 2024 by Jennifer

Next review due: January 10, 2025

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