Somerset Domestic Abuse
Information relating to domestic abuse and the services available across Somerset. Including Somerset Council’s locally based confidential service, offering a range of specialist support to anyone who needs advice and help on domestic abuse
Get in touch
If you are concerned for yourself or someone else, you can get in touch and get help. Our local, confidential helpline will provide advice to anyone seeking help with domestic abuse. This includes relatives, friends and work colleagues as well as those who are causing harm.
Call us
8am to 8pm
7 days a week
0800 69 49 999
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call the Police
Resources for professionals
Information, guidance and training resources to help professionals refer and support those experiencing domestic abuse
Go to professional areaReferrals
If domestic abuse is happening, it is important to tell someone
Find out how to make a referral and get professional help
Make a referral