Contact us
If you are concerned for yourself or someone else, you can get in touch and get help. Our local, confidential helpline will provide advice to anyone seeking help with domestic abuse. This includes relatives, friends and work colleagues as well as those who are causing harm.
If you are concerned for yourself or someone else, you can get in touch and get help. Our local, confidential helpline will provide advice to anyone seeking help with domestic abuse. This includes relatives, friends and work colleagues as well as those who are causing harm.
Call us
8am to 8pm
7 days a week
0800 69 49 999
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call the Police
More information
If you are deaf or cannot communicate verbally
People can register with the emergencySMS service. Text REGISTER to 999. A text will then be sent with instructions on what to do next. This should be done when it is safe so that the emergency services can be reached via text when someone is actually in danger.
Silent Solution
If you phone 999 from a mobile but it is not safe for you to speak, Silent Solution is a system the police use to assess and respond to your call.
Phone 999 and if it is not safe to respond to the BT operator when they ask what service you want, stay connected.
If the operator hears any suspicious noise you will be transferred to the police. If nothing is heard you may be asked to press 55 – this will connect you to a police call handler. Listen carefully to their questions and instructions so that they can assess your situation and arrange for assistance. This system means that the police can respond to genuine emergencies when people are in danger and accidental or hoax 999 calls do not distract them. Accidental 999 calls from a landline are less likely so if you telephone 999 from a landline but are unable to speak you will be connected without being asked to enter 55.
What happens when you contact us
You can contact the service for general information. But if you require direct support for yourself, then you will be asked some questions to help make sure the most appropriate services are offered to you.