Supporting young people

Information on healthy teenage relationships, warning signs of abuse and who can help

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Information on healthy teenage relationships, warning signs of abuse and who can help

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Young people in abusive relationships often experience the abusive partner;

  • Constantly checking their phone or emails without permission
  • Putting them down in front of others or to their face
  • Trying to stop them seeing family and friends
  • Mood swings and explosive temper
  • Possessiveness and extreme jealously
  • Making false accusations
  • Asking them to take part in ‘sexting’
  • Making them have sex without consent
  • Making them watch pornography or filming them having sex
  • Telling them what they can or can’t wear and where they can or can’t go
  • Physically hurting them in any way
  • Saying they will hurt themselves or someone else if they do not do something

Chat to us

If you are concerned for yourself or someone else, our local, confidential helpline will advise anyone seeking help with domestic abuse. This includes relatives, friends and work colleagues as well as those who are causing harm.

Speak to us on 0800 69 49 999. Our phone line is available 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week.


In an emergency, you should always dial 999. If you are worried that an abuser may overhear your call you can remain silent, tap the phone and dial 55 when prompted by the operator who will send help.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired you can register with You will then be able to send a text to 999 if you require help in an emergency.

Last reviewed: September 14, 2023 by Sophie

Next review due: March 14, 2024

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