Somerset Domestic Abuse Service
The Somerset Domestic Abuse Service provides local support specifically to help people affected by domestic abuse in the county of Somerset. The service is available to all, no matter how old you are, your gender or sexuality or nationality. If an interpreter is required they will organise a professional translation service for you.
You can contact us by webchat, by email at or by phone 0800 69 49 999.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, then always call the Police on 999.
If you are deaf or cannot communicate verbally but need emergency help, you can register with the emergencySMS service. Text REGISTER to 999.
A text will be sent with instructions on what to do next. This should be done when it is safe so that the emergency services can be reached by text when someone is actually in danger.
Other services that may be able to help
If you are in Somerset, we’d always advise having a chat with us first to see how we can help and support you. We will listen to you and refer you to the right additional services to fit your needs.
You can find a directory of alternative services and websites that can offer you extra help and support.