Although there are many advantages to technology, there is a chance that it will be used against victims of domestic abuse, aggravating their circumstances and causing more pain.

We may find entertainment on modern technology, stay connected to friends and family, and stay informed about global events. However, it can provide perpetrators of domestic abuse with an additional means of controlling, isolating, and even stalking their victims.

For more information about how abusers of domestic abuse use technology read our blog: From pixels to power – unveiling the digital battlefield of domestic abuse

This blog provides crucial guidance on safeguarding your technology security, ensuring online safety, and reducing the likelihood of falling prey to technological domestic abuse. Share this valuable information with anyone in your network, be it a friend, family member, or colleague, as it may prove beneficial to them as well.

The tips will be of assistance in protecting your credentials and staying safe online so that nobody can access your emails, mobile phone, social media or other online accounts.

Digital defence strategies –

  1. Crafting invincible passwords:

In the digital age, the first line of defence against unauthorised access lies in your passwords. Create long, strong, and unique passwords for each account or device. Incorporate a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to enhance their complexity. Avoid predictable choices such as names, places, or birthdates to thwart any attempts at intrusion.

  1. Diversify your passwords:

Resist the temptation to reuse passwords across multiple accounts or devices. By maintaining distinct passwords for each, you ensure that a compromise in one area does not expose the entirety of your digital presence.

  1. Two-factor authentication (2FA):

Implementing 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your social media, email accounts, and devices. By requiring a second form of authentication, such as a code generated by an authentication app, you significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

  1. Authentication App Security:

Opt for authentication apps over text messages for 2FA. Authentication apps provide a safer option as the generated codes have a shorter lifespan, reducing the window of vulnerability.

  1. Review Social Media Privacy Settings:

Regularly audit your social media accounts to evaluate what information is shared and with whom. Refrain from ‘checking in’ or tagging locations in photos, as these actions can inadvertently disclose your routine and whereabouts.

  1. Securing Email Accounts:

Recognise the pivotal role your email account plays in resetting passwords. Protect it with a long, strong, and unique password to prevent potential unauthorised access to your various accounts.

  1. Device Vigilance:

Stay vigilant for signs of device compromise, such as sluggish performance or unexpected openings of apps or messages. Promptly address any unusual activities to safeguard your digital space.

  1. Timely Operating System and App Updates:

Download and install updates for your operating system and apps as soon as they become available. These updates often contain crucial fixes for security issues and vulnerabilities, bolstering your device’s resilience against potential threats.

  1. Independence of Linked Accounts:

Ensure that your devices are not linked to any accounts accessible by others. Maintain their autonomy to minimise the risk of unauthorised access.

  1. Informed Device Purchases:

Before purchasing devices, scrutinise their specifications and reviews. Verify the privacy and security measures available to fortify them against potential risks.

  1. Secure Internet Banking:

If you suspect the perpetrator may have access to your internet banking information, change your passcode or password promptly. Avoid predictable choices like birthdays or anniversaries to enhance the security of your financial accounts.

  1. Beware of Phishing Attempts:

Exercise caution when encountering texts or emails purporting to be from your bank. These could be phishing attempts seeking personal or security information. Be sceptical and verify the legitimacy of such communications.

If you are experiencing any form of domestic abuse, worried about someone you know, or are concerned about the impact of your behaviour towards others, then help is available: or by telephoning 0800 69 49 999 – between 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week.

In an emergency you should always dial 999. If you are worried that an abuser may overhear your call you can remain silent, tap the phone and dial 55 when prompted by the operator who will send help.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired you can register with Once registered you will be able to send a text to 999 if you require help in an emergency.

About this article

February 22, 2024

Michael Wallis

Advice and support


Children and young people




